Initialization of the XP1 will calibrate the position of the cables and vertical positioner. This step is required on a power up, or after the E-stop is pressed or a system error is detected.
CAUTION: Stand clear of moving parts during the initialization process.
Ensure that the cables are free from obstruction and attached to the barbell.
Ensure the barbell is properly racked on the Adjustable Rack Arms.
Follow the on-screen prompts on the Initializing screen.
If the system is not initialized, the user will have limited access to the XP1 functionality. For example, the user can access admin settings but the user will not be able to start an exercise until the initialization process is successfully completed.
You will know that the system requires initialization when the vertical lights are displaying the Pulsing Orange pattern.
Prior to starting initialization, place any of the three barbells in the rack and connect the four cables to the end of the bar, two on the left, and two on the right. Ensure that there are no obstructions to the motion of the rack and cables.
Prior to starting initialization and while the system is on, there will be a high resistance to pulling the cables out. If the system is powered off, the cables will move more freely and this is a good time to set the XP1 up for initialization. Or, you can start the initialization process with the cables not attached to the bar, and then immediately after pressing start, pull the cables out, one by one, and clip them to the bar.
Once the system is set up properly, press the start initialization button on the screen. If the button is not visible, try to start a workout and the XP1 will prompt to start initialization.
During the process, the cables will begin to slowly tension. If the user discovers that one or more of the cables are mistakenly not connected at this point, do not worry, just let the initialization proceed. The system will quickly discover this issue and allow the XP1 be to initialize again.
Once the cables are fully tensioned, the vertical positioner will move to the top position and then to the bottom position and then perform a final tension. During this process, do not touch the cables or bar. If, during the vertical positioner movement the user presses the up or down button the motion will stop and the initialization process will be aborted.
A successful completion of the initialization process will be indicated by the vertical lights showing the system has entered the IDLE state. If the initialization process does not complete successfully, a dialog box will pop up with the reason for the failure.
The user can attempt the initialization process again. Prior to attempting to initialize again, the user should verify that the bar is in the rack and the cables are connected to the bar. If after several attempts the system still will not successfully complete the initialization process please contact customer support. Note that if your system is registered and connected to the internet, important diagnostic information about your system will be sent to the OxeFit servers to assist customer support in troubleshooting your XP1.