Perform All Reps To Initiate Auto-Unloading
This new feature is found on the active training screen and provides a secondary unloading option: Set a rep count that unloads the cable tension when reached. Easily turn ON/OFF and adjust rep count in-between sets before loading the weight. Exercises that have left and right reps must reach the targeted count on both sides to trigger automatic unloading.
Receive Instant Recap After Each Set
Upon completing a set, a Set Summary screen will appear to provide a brief recap of your performance data. This enables the option to review keynote stats before you transition to the next set. On-screen data display will include volume, average velocity, and max power for the set you just completed.
For Seamless Multi-User Training
Enables a smooth transition for multiple users to continuously rotate on and off the device while each performing a different workout. Up to 15 users can be supported to rotate in a regular or irregular cycle, and each user’s progress will save separately to their individual profile for them to continue wherever they left off each time.
Upon completion of each set, the Set Summary screen will feature an Active Sessions control that displays the currently active sessions in a 5x3 grid. Select a profile from the grid to resume that session or choose New Session to allow additional user to sign in and join rotation, or current user can do another set.
Learn More: XP1 Work-In Mode
Choose To Restart Current Set Or Skip It Altogether
The controls at the bottom of the active training screen have been enhanced to include additional functionalities for how to proceed during an active set. The options will change once the first rep is performed.
Options Before first rep:
- BACK UP (icon) – cancels set and opens previous Set Summary screen.
- SKIP – proceeds to Set Summary screen with confirmation message that set was skipped.
Options After first rep:
- UNDO (icon) – cancels set, discards any data collected, and opens previous Set Summary screen.
- COMPLETE – ends current set, saves the data collected, and proceeds to Set Summary screen.
Continue Training Where You Left Off
If you exit the device with a training session in progress, your activity will hold its place for 1 hour, during which time you can jump right back in to Resume or End that session. Users may only have 1 session in progress at a time, so one of these options must be selected in order to proceed. The user dashboard will be inaccessible until the active session has been completed.
Designated Rails To Better Navigate Content
The Featured workouts rail on the User Dashboard has been split into two distinct rails to better differentiate content. Find workouts catalogued into these collections:
- SAVED – workouts you have personally bookmarked
- FEATURED – workouts promoted by your organization
New Force Plate Data Reporting
The force plates have been configured to provide an additional key data point when one of the following Cable Modalities are being used: Rear Cable | 4-Cable + Barbell | 4-Cable + Harness
Real-time data reporting will include the maximum force recorded during the concentric phase of each rep. These are presented as separate readings for the left and right force plates and can be found to the left and right of the balance meter on the active training screen.
See XP1 Cable Modalities article if needed.
For Single & Dual Cable Modality
The vertical light strips have been configured with a new pattern to quickly display cable-readiness feedback. This will communicate which cables are in the proper position for loading when a Single Cable or Dual Cable exercise is selected. The lights will indicate the ready-for-use cable(s) by pulsing in the coinciding quadrant:
01. Front Left Cable Top half of Left light strip |
03. Front Right Cable Top half of Right light strip |
02. Rear Left Cable Bottom half of Left light strip |
04. Rear Right Cable Bottom half of Right light |
Learn More: XP1 Cable-Ready Light Pattern
Generated From User Analytics
Select any Quick Start exercise and the default weight will be set to a Recommended Load based on your individual training analytics around that particular exercise. Proceed to adjust the weight accordingly or simply hit the LOAD button and jump right in to your first set. Using Recommended Load will also be an available option for you to build into your custom workouts or any workout built for you.
Apply Multiple Settings To Exercise
The ability to apply more than one Advanced Setting to your exercise is now available. Each Advanced Setting can only pair with certain other ones, so each selection you make will then limit the availability of others.
For example, selecting Adaptive will then only allow Tempo Training and Virtual Spotter to be selected next as additional settings to combine.